
Iraklı şair, eleştirmen ve üniversite profesörü. 2019 yılında Şiir Dalında El Owais Kültür Ödülünü kazandı. Doktorasını 1984 yılında Exeter Üniversitesinde Eleştiri ve Modern Edebiyat alanında tamamladı. 1997 yılına kadar öğretim üyeliği yaptığı Sana Üniversitesinde görev yapmak üzere 1991 yılında Irak’ı terk etti. 1997 ile 2015 yılları arasında Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Üniversitesinde Modern Arap Edebiyatı ve Eleştiri Profesörü olarak çalıştı. 14 şiir kitabı ve 10 eleştiri kitabı yayımladı. Londra, Montreal, New York ve İstanbul’dakiler dâhil çok sayıda Arap edebiyat festivaline ve konferansına katıldı. Irak ve Arap üniversitelerinde onun hakkında 10’dan fazla master ve doktora tezi yazıldı. Ayrıca Arap ve Iraklı yazarların onunla ilgili yazdığı kitapların sayısı 10’u geçti.

Gilgamish Returns

And so you return again.. alone
No glittering glory, no symphonies
Where are the horses of tragedy?
Or ,the harp of your so called illusion?
Where are your chariots of victory?
Have you brought us the dew you sought?
Or a song of hey & dusty corps?
Did you wave your flags of triumph?
Or granted us rivers of devastation?
Or, ashes distorting carefree memories
& exposing the bareness of your embrace?
If only you returned with some trivial stones,
If only you came back with a few drops of dew!
If only you came back empty handed
If only you, if only you..

Ali Cafer El Allak – Iraq

Iraqi poet, critic, and university professor.
Won the Al Owais Cultural Award, Poetry Branch, 16th session, 2019.
He received his PhD in Criticism and Modern Literature from the University of Exeter, UK, in 1984
He left Iraq in 1991 to teach at Sana’a University until 1997.
He worked as a professor of Arabic modern literature and criticism at the UAE University from 1997 to 2015.
He published fourteen poetry collections and ten critical books.
Participated in many Arab literary festivals and conferences: London, Montreal, New York, Istanbul.
More than ten master’s and doctoral theses were written about him in Iraqi and Arab universities , in addition to more than ten books by Arab and Iraqi writers.

Gilgamish Returns

And so you return again.. alone
No glittering glory, no symphonies
Where are the horses of tragedy?
Or ,the harp of your so called illusion?
Where are your chariots of victory?
Have you brought us the dew you sought?
Or a song of hey & dusty corps?
Did you wave your flags of triumph?
Or granted us rivers of devastation?
Or, ashes distorting carefree memories
& exposing the bareness of your embrace?
If only you returned with some trivial stones,
If only you came back with a few drops of dew!
If only you came back empty handed
If only you, if only you..